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The stages of egg embryo development
Rcom designed its technologically advanced egg
incubators to allow the user to easily increase or
decrease the Rcom incubator’s temperature, humidity,
and frequency and amount of egg turning.
Additionally, some Rcom incubator models come with pre-
configured settings for specific varieties of birds or reptiles to
make it easy to begin hatching
2nd day of incubation: The head
begins to form along with eyes,
heart, and blood vessels.
4th day of incubation: The brain is
divided into the fore-brain, mid-
brain, and hind-brain. The heart
grows much bigger and blood
vessels spread wide on the film of
the yolk.
6th day: Wings and limbs begin to appear and brains and eyes
become well-defined. The embryo begins to move by itself.
8th day: The brain is completely formed. The neck becomes
longer. The bill develops remarkably, and wings and limbs begin
to develop.
10th day: Wings and limbs are completely defined and toes
form. The eggshell-breaking tip begins to form and feathers start
to grow.
12th day: The chick becomes much bigger and begins to hear
for the first time. Feathers grow so that you can see them and
the framework becomes solid.
14th day: With the head lowered toward the trunk, the back is
bent to the left.
Feathers cover the entire body with the head toward the air
16th day: As the head moves to under the right wing, it settles
down at a position good for hatching.
18th day: The amount of amniotic fluid decreases and the chick
prepares for hatching. It is time to stop rolling the egg.
19th day: The air chamber becomes much bigger and the yolk is
settled in the body.
The bill is held out toward the air chamber and lung-breathing
20th day: The yolk is settled completely in the body and the
navel hasn’t closed yet.
The yolk that entered in the body becomes a nutrient for two to
three days after incubation.
21sh day: The chick begins to use the eggshell-breaking tip to
break the shell.
Over time, it uses limbs to push the shell and turns to break it.
Low humidity can cause dried-up feathers to stick to the shell,
preventing the chick from turning round and thus preventing the
chick from hatching.
It takes about 12 hours to break the shell completely so the
chick can escape the egg.
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Rcom egg incubator, Rcom hatcher and Rcom brooder for birds, & reptiles & pets or puppies Rcom ICU brooder